Pursuant to the "Law No. 7141 on Amending the Higher Education Law and Certain Laws and Decree-Laws," which was published in the Official Gazette dated May 18, 2018, and numbered 30425, 4 faculties and 2 schools, along with 17 vocational schools, including our school, were separated from Süleyman Demirel University and affiliated with the newly established Isparta University of Applied Sciences. Thus, starting from the 2018-2019 academic year, our Vocational School has been part of the Isparta University of Applied Sciences. Continuing its educational activities with the Computer Programming, Construction Technology, Logistics, Opticianry, and Health Institutions Management programs, our school successfully trains individuals to meet the qualified workforce needs of our country and contributes significantly to the nation's science, industry, and technology. Our school equips students from all regions of the country with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, enabling them to become successful individuals. The successes of our graduates in both their workplaces and their private fields of work are living proof of this.